MBIE Updates FSLAB Timeline


The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment has released an updated timeline for the new regime for financial advice.

MBIE stated the time frames now take into account the expectation of the Financial Services Legislation Amendment Bill being passed towards the end of 2018.

The Code of Conduct and regulations are anticipated to be finalised in early-mid 2019.

Once the Bill is passed, MBIE stated it will provide updated estimates of key dates for the implementation of the new regime.

It emphasised that there will be time built in for industry to prepare to meet the requirements of the new regime, regardless of when the Bill passes.

Click on the image below to view the timeline in detail.

MBIE also included in its update a summary of which parts of the new regime puzzle are in progress currently.

Click the image below to view the updated progress of the Bill, Code of Conduct and more in detail.