News that MDRT is launching a range of initiatives to emphasise upskilling, education and strengthen connections among its members drew strong reader interest this week…

MDRT New Zealand is introducing a range of initiatives to emphasise upskilling, education, and business development for its members.

The local arm of the global organisation has already announced its three pillars to raise the profile of MDRT as it focuses on growth, engagement, and retention.

Chair Rick Willis says he plans to enhance new member engagement and foster “a sense of community through strategic networking and collaborative initiatives”.

“By promoting active participation in MDRT events, forums, and knowledge-sharing platforms, the goal is to strengthen connections among members, ultimately aiming to achieve a target of 20% increase in actively engaged and collaborative MDRT participants,” he says.

Rick Willis
Rick Willis.

Willis says he and his leadership team hope to build a dynamic and supportive community, amplify member engagement, and attract participants “…who actively contribute and benefit from the collaborative initiatives within the organisation”.

Its retention pillar is dedicated to fortifying the long-term commitment of members by offering personalised resources, ongoing professional development opportunities, and tailored support services.

MDRT New Zealand is looking toward a targeted retention rate of more than 95%, “…ensuring the majority of members remain active and derive continued benefits from their MDRT affiliation”.

Willis says his underlying mission is for MDRT to be the country’s premier platform for adviser development and success.

The international body is holding its four-day annual meeting in Vancouver starting Sunday 9 June. It will feature more than 100 guest speakers and 120-plus focus sessions. MDRT’s  global meeting will be held in Dubai 27-30 August.