Budget Review Webinar for Advisers


Chubb is holding a seminar to outline how the Government’s Monetary Policy Statement, Financial Stability Report, and Budget 2024, will impact financial advisers over the coming months.

Finance Minister Nicola Willis’ budget, announced on Thursday 30 May, will give more than three million Kiwis a tax cut – the first cut in 14 years.

Cameron Bagrie
Cameron Bagrie.

Treasury expects inflation to drop below 3% by the year-end, its target is between 2% and 3%. Inflation is currently 4%, but has been as high as 7.3% (June 2022) according to Stats NZ.

On Thursday 6 June independent economist Cameron Bagrie will deliver his take on all the government’s fiscal statements and outline how they could affect the financial services sector.

Register here to find out what he has to say during Chubb’s webinar, which starts at 3pm, Thursday 6 June.