A Showcase of Excellence in Advice


Financial Advice NZ’s National Adviser Conference will provide a “centre of excellence” in advice in New Zealand, shedding light on great practices across the country and showcasing learnings from overseas markets, says the professional body’s CEO Nick Hakes.

Speaking to RiskinfoNZ ahead of the three-day conference being held in Christchurch in early April, Hakes says it will also highlight what the New Zealand advice sector can learn from overseas markets to enable growth, and the elements which can lead to unintended consequences.

Nick Hakes
Financial Advice NZ CEO, Nick Hakes …2025 National Adviser Conference to help shape the future of advice

The professional body is aiming to challenge, grow, and celebrate the successes of advisers in New Zealand and will provide practical applications of best practice along with a diversity of thinking.

But he also sees the conference as helping advisers build financial certainty for themselves, just as they do for their clients.

“So, it’s thinking about our profession – how we celebrate and grow the demand for quality advice; both across the sector itself, the practices, and at the individual client advice level.”

A Global Trend at the Leading Edge of Advice

Hakes points to a global trend at the leading edge of advice around behavourial change and understanding the psychology of the client. But, he says, it’s also about advisers understanding their own psychology – looking at their own thinking and the biases they need to be aware of when advising clients.

“We all make financial decisions, and our good behaviours are a great driver of growing wealth, but our decisions can erode wealth too.

“A real focus for the adviser profession is to understand the psychology of human decision-making. It’s about empowerment of the client and it doesn’t matter what the scope of the advice is, this is relevant to all advisers.”

A new environment is the place to create new ideas…

Asked what he would like to see advisers attending the conference walk away with, Hakes points to the confidence to come up a with a new idea “…which they won’t have had sitting in their own office. A new environment is the place to create new ideas.”

Challenging the Status Quo

He’d like to see advisers come away with the tools and knowledge to proactively implement that idea and to challenge the status quo.

As well as confidence, he says Financial Advice New Zealand wants advisers to take pride in celebrating the client success stories they help create, and in embracing advice excellence.

He says the outcome of this, across New Zealand, and in advice businesses around the country, will create a positive consumer perception of advice and ultimately result in more people seeking professional advice to grow, manage, and protect their wealth.

‘’Ultimately what we are doing is cultivating a knowledge strategy within the advice community, it’s about the opportunities and challenges faced at client level, at a practice level, and at a sector level.

“What are the  greatest practical examples of advisers solving their own challenges and making the most of their opportunities, and how can we bring practitioners  together to learn, to share, and to celebrate great advice stories and client outcomes.” he says.

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