‘Actual’ Retirement Age 67 – Claims New Study


A new study drawing OECD data has determined which countries have seen the highest percentage increase in the age their citizens tend to stop working. New Zealand is placed 4th highest, sitting under Bulgaria, Estonia, and Latvia.

The study by AgeCalculator.com reveals New Zealand has seen one of the highest increase in its retirement age over the last 25 years.

The report doesn’t comment on the official age of retirement with regard State pension entitlement, but the ages at which citizens tend to stop working. The organisation analysed data regarding retirement age in all countries to discover which citizens have experienced the highest increase.

New Zealand is the only non-European country in the top 10, with a 9.84% age of retirement increase, it is also the highest retirement age in the top 10.

Records show retirement age increased in New Zealand from 61 to a 67 years old in 2020. Australia is placed 12th with an age of retirement put at 63.

Data / OECD.