Chubb Life 2023 Claims Data


In 2023 Chubb Life paid 95% of all the claims it received, that’s two percentage points higher than for 2022 (93%) according to the firm’s previously published data.

Claims paid by the firm in 2023 covered:

  • Cancer 52%
  • Heart 11%
  • Other organs 6%
  • Others 31%

Comparing these figures with those published by the firm in August 2023 (covering 2022), cancer claims have risen one percentage point, heart claims are lower at 14%, and other organs were higher in 2022 at 9%.

For trauma claims made in 2023, the figures are:

  • Cancer 65%
  • Heart 25%
  • Neurological 4%
  • Others 6%

Paid cancer claims under the trauma section are higher in 2023 than in 2022, when it was 62%.

Turning to income protection claims…Top of the list is:

  • Musculo-skeletal 67%
  • Cancer 10%
  • Mental health 9%
  • Neurological 4%
  • Others 10%

For TPD claims, musculo-skeletal made up 60%, neurological was 20%, and others also 20%.

Drilling down into life cover claims by age, 58% were for 40 to 59-year-olds (with 50-59 being the most common age range).

It is difficult to compare 2023’s life claims against 2022 as a different age range is used by the firm in published data. In 2022, 64% of life cover claims made to Chubb were for those aged 50 to 69.

A lower age group made up 62% of income cover claims, with 30 to 49-year-olds making the most claims. Those aged 40-59 accounted for 68% of trauma cover claims. And 80% of TPD claims were made by 40 to 59-year-olds.

Chubb Life claim stats 2023 (2022 is below)


Chubb Life claim stats 2022