Distribution Team Changes at NZFSG


NZ Financial Service Group (NZFSG) has made several changes to its insurance and mortgage distribution teams.

Leading the insurance support division is Brent McGregor. He is joined by Auckland-based Regional Manager Adam Daly.

Baden Martin, CEO, NZFSG.
Baden Martin, CEO, NZFSG.

The firm’s CEO Baden Martin, says: “The experience, expertise and passion they bring to the table is unmatched, and I am confident that insurance advisers will greatly benefit from the support offered by this dynamic duo.”

NZFSG has also appointed a new Auckland-based Regional Manager in Zane Low. Low will focus on supporting mortgage advisers.

He previously held roles at ANZ as a Commercial Relationship Associate, and was a Business Development Manager at Partners Life.

With the expansion of the loan market support team, led by National Director Nicole FergusonWilliam Laban, Northern Regional Manager, and Shaun Fafeita, Central/Southern Regional Manager (previously supporting both Loan Market and NZSFG advisers) it is now fully dedicated to supporting NZFSG mortgage advisers.

“With a combined 20 years at NZFSG, William and Shaun possess a deep understanding of adviser businesses and are invaluable assets to our team, says Martin.

Additionally, Account Manager Tania Styche has taken on the new role of Induction Training Manager, where she will lead a 12 week programme for advisers new to the NZFSG network.