Wednesday, February 5, 2025


Do You Support the Draft Code?

Our latest poll asks whether you support the draft Code of Professional Conduct for Financial Advice Services, which was released last week for industry...

Advisers Support School Links – Poll

The results of our latest poll suggest most advisers think it's a good idea to develop links with schools in their area. As we go...

Financial, Insurance Advice and Schools

Our latest poll is asking whether you think your advice business should be linking with local schools to address financial literacy and underinsurance. Our most...

Fix Financial Literacy and Solve Underinsurance – Poll

The majority of advisers agree that the best way to solve New Zealand's underinsurance problem is to first address and solve the issue of...

Latest Poll – Solving NZ’s Underinsurance Dilemma

Almost everyone in the New Zealand life insurance industry appears to accept Kiwis, like the general population in most countries, suffer from both a...

Adviser Doubt on FSLAB Outcomes

The jury is well and truly out on whether the proposed FSLAB reforms will ultimately improve access to high-quality financial advice in New Zealand. As...

Latest Poll – Will FSLAB Work?

Our latest poll seeks your verdict on whether the current FSLAB regulatory reform process will achieve the Government's primary goal of improving access to...

Poll Results – Outsourcing Claims

Most advisers would prefer to manage their clients' claims 'in-house', according to the results in our latest poll. As we go to print, around seven...

Outsourcing Your Clients’ Claims?

Our latest poll asks you to consider one of the most fundamental services you provide to your clients: helping them with their claims. We're asking...