Partners Life has announced more than 45 improvements across its product suite, effective on 9 December 2019.
In an adviser update, Partners Life General Manager Marketing and Product, Kris Ballantyne, and Senior Product Manager, Mika Groenewald, highlighted some of the more significant changes, included in the video below.
Groenewald said trauma cover is the benefit that underwent the most substantial changes, including adding a newborn child benefit and changing its intensive care definition.
“A number of these changes have come directly as a result of your feedback, others have arisen as a result of real claims experience,” she said.
“For income cover benefits, we will no longer off-set payments received from social services, but the ACC off-set remains as is,” said Ballantyne.
The insurer stated that any beneficial improvements to its policy wordings are automatically applied to existing in-force policies under the Guaranteed Upgrade of Future Benefits feature.
Click here to view further details of the changes.