Consultation Opens On FMA’s Advertising Expectations


The regulator is preparing to publish a guide to help advisers and the wider financial services industry understand what they can and can’t say when it comes to advertising their services and products. But before it does, it’s asking for feedback on the draft version of its proposed guide.

Download the draft version of the FMA’s advertising guidance document.

“We are seeking views on proposed guidance on advertising offers of financial products under the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013” says the FMA.

“The proposed guidance sets out our expectations of what good conduct in the advertising of financial products looks like. Feedback will be used to help us refine the proposed guidance.”

The regulator says the guidance document will be of interest to market participants making advertisements for financial products and services as well as consumer advocacy groups. It covers fair dealing and disclosure provisions, advertising standards and guidelines, and enforcement.

The FMA’s consultation period ends on Tuesday 16 February 2021. Find out more here.