Should your advice business forge ties with local schools to help address financial literacy and underinsurance?
- Yes (75%)
- No (15%)
- Not sure (10%)
Our latest poll is asking whether you think your advice business should be linking with local schools to address financial literacy and underinsurance.
Our most recent poll has already established that most advisers (76%) agree that the best solution to New Zealand’s under-insurance dilemma lies in improving consumers’ financial literacy (click here). This new poll is effectively asking whether stronger links between advice businesses and local schools is one of the ‘grass-roots’ ways in which this outcome can be achieved over time.
Elsewhere, at last week’s Financial Advice NZ Conference, the founder of online financial education platform, Banqer, called for advisers to get involved in schools around New Zealand (see: Financial Education Platform Encourages Advisers to Reach Out to Schools).
Banqer has designed software for primary-aged children to learn about finance first-hand in their classroom and prepare them at a young age for the financial world.
Irrespective of whether your business links with existing initiatives such as Banqer or would prefer to act independently, do you think the idea of local advice businesses linking with local primary schools or high schools is a good thing?
Many advice businesses already engage in their own social and community agenda, which is already making a difference. But for the purpose of this poll, we’re just asking whether you think it’s generally a good idea for advice firms to link with schools in their area for the purposes of improving financial literacy in New Zealand and solving our underinsurance dilemma.
Tell us what you think and we’ll report back next week…